Far East
Record City
Tokyo is thought to have more record shops (93) than any city on the planet, though London (89) and Berlin (87) run it a close second and third, respectively – read in more detail here at mixmag.net. These statistics were, admittedly, coalated pre-Covid and though the numbers may have changed, it is likely that Tokyo…
Fine Day Records
Based in Tokyo, this Aladdin’s cave of musical riches has been serving vinyl lovers for more than 30 years. For more than 30 years, the Tokyo-based Fine Day Records has been catering to vinyl lovers, initally to the Japanese market and now worldwide. They stock thousands of interesting second-hand classical LPs, ready to ship. Helpfully,…
HMV: A Guide to Buying Online
A leading online music retailer for more than 20 years, this easy-to-use website (fully available in English) provides the classical music lover access to what is arguably the richest catalog on earth. The first issues of Liner Notes have tried to assist readers with ordering from Tower Records Japan, which boasts an extraordinary catalog, not…
Far East: Buying from Tower Records using Forward2Me
The last in a three-part series, we here detail another method for ordering from Tower Records Japan. This method is fairly similar to that we first introduced (i.e., Tenso.com). It requires one to have accounts both with Tower Records Japan and with a package forwarding firm, in this case Forward2Me.
Tower Records: A Guide to Buying Online, Part 2
The second in a three-part series, we here provide an alternative method for ordering from Tower Records Japan. Those who thought the buying guide presented in last quarter’s issue too labyrinthian should find this option a bit easier to navigate. It involves a proxy buying service called WorldShopping.
Tower Records Japan: A Guide to Buying Online, Part 1
First in a continuing series, this particular article will guide the collector through all the steps needed to buy from Tower Records Japan, which does not ship internationally and therefore requires a proxy shipping service.