Welcome to the premiere issue of Liner Notes Magazine, a new quarterly dedicated to historical artists and recordings, from 78’s through the mono era, and with an emphasis on the golden era of the LP.

We will also profile those “behind the scenes” – the producers, sound engineers, cover art designers, and the many other talented individuals who made memorable albums possible.
A few quick housekeeping” notes: given the length of each issue, I’ve placed a “mini” Table of Contents @ every 20 pages to asist the reader. While most ads (fully indexed on p. 260) are decorative in nature, (poetic license has been taken with their presentation), some are genuine – click here if you wish to place an ad.
This venture was very much inspired by the sorely missed Classical Recordings Quarterly, edited by Alan Sanders and Tully Potter. I was an occasional contributor to CRQ and wrote the cover article on Sarasate shown at right.
At the moment, Liner Notes Magazine does not carry a review section per se, only for lack of being able to pay reviewers. As our subscription base hopefully expands, then reviews will be added.
I believe in credit where credit is due and have done my very best to fully acknowledge all contributions and sources used herein.
We also hope to offer unique coupons*, available only to subscribers, good at other classical music-related websites, as well as bonus issues and other interesting material.
Please visit our Divertimenti section, with various games, challenges and coloring pages, all specially commissioned for this issue.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us. Warm wishes, Joe
Purchase this issue today, or if you’re a subscriber, you can find it available in your account or below, if logged in.